Monday, October 16, 2006

What A Waste Of Good Drugs

So NATO troops in Afghanistan have decided that their top priority should be the burning of poppy crops throughout the war torn nation. Brilliant idea. Put further Afghan citizens out of their only source of income and send them running to join the Taliban opposition. The reason for this gold medal winning decision in the Military Planing Special Olympics is that much of the harvested poppy crops in Afghanistan go to creating heroin which in turn funds the terrorist activities of the Taliban. This allegation is ridiculous in that the nations comprising NATO could much more cheaply use diplomatic measures to put pressure on the Afghan government to ensure that the poppy crops are monitored and made to only export in the interest of creating a great number of legal drugs used in hospitals the world over such as Morphine and Methadone. The destruction of these crops is nothing more than an extention of the US governments ridiculous war on drugs, as evidence by the latest incident in which NATO soldiers eradicated numerous fields of Marijuana (a drug which is completely legal in Afghanistan). The reason given for the waxing of weed plants was the same given for the poppy crops, "it funds terrorist activities". When's the last fucking time your friend called you up and told you that he just picked up an ounce of some bad ass Afghani chronic?


Blogger LeftyHenry said...

LOL Did you here about the Canadians who couldn't get there talks through a field of 10 foot cannabis and when they burned it "all the soldiers started feeling happy" I'm not even joking...

1:55 PM  
Blogger Hooligan said...

Yeah, man. I read about that the other night. Atleast someone got some use out of it.

4:20 PM  

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